Online Application 2018

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Also, we recommend Google Chrome for Mac users.

  • You must be an active member in good standing of a local church body to be considered for this program.
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  • AuthorWhy 
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  • Statement of Faith

  • Applicants must agree to the Statement of Faith in order to participate in the program.

    We believe in one God, Creator and Lord of the Universe, the co-eternal Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

    We believe that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, died a substitutionary atoning death on the cross, rose bodily from the dead and ascended to heaven where, as truly God and truly man, HE is the only mediator between God and man.

    We believe that the Bible is God’s authoritative and inspired Word. It is without error in all its teachings, including creation, history, its own origins, and salvation. Christians must submit to its divine authority, both individually and corporately, in all matters of belief and conduct, which is demonstrated by true righteous living.

    We believe in the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. We also uphold the holy institution of marriage between one man and one woman, rooted as it is in God’s creation of man and woman in His image and in the relationship between Christ and His Church.

    We believe that all people are lost sinners and cannot see the Kingdom of God except through the new birth. Justification is by grace through faith in Christ alone.

    We believe in one holy, universal, and apostolic Church. Its calling is to worship God and witness concerning its Head, Jesus Christ, preaching the Gospel among all nations and demonstrating its commitment by compassionate service to the needs of human beings and promoting righteousness and justice.

    We believe in the necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit for the individual’s new birth and growth to maturity, and for the Church’s constant renewal in truth, wisdom, faith, holiness, love, power, and mission.

    We believe that Jesus Christ will personally and visibly return in glory to raise the dead and bring salvation and judgment to completion. God will fully manifest His kingdom when He establishes a new heaven and new earth, in which He will be glorified forever, and exclude all evil, suffering, and death.

  • References

  • For you to be considered for admission to the Colson Fellows Program, we must receive completed references and a letter of recommendation from:

    • One of your pastors (or a former pastor who knows you well)
    • A former student or someone you have discipled or mentored (not a familty member)
    • One other non-related person who knows you well.

    To request your references:

    • List the contact information for your references below.
    • Click Submit once your application is finalized.
    • Online reference requests sent automatically.